7 Healthy and Low Calorie Breakfast Recipes on a Diet

Starting the day with breakfast is very important, whether for those who are on a diet or not. Breakfast can provide energy to the body.
But, often people assume that the diet breakfast menu must use premium food ingredients so it costs a lot of money.
Both the application of healthy living and undergoing a weight loss program, both can be done by implementing a healthy diet. This diet is not only done by reducing the portion of food, but also eating a balanced nutritious healthy diet.
Well, here are various low-calorie breakfast menus that are suitable for consumption when dieting:
1. Oatmeal
Oatmeal is one of the healthy grains that are gluten-free and a high source of vitamins, minerals, fiber, and antioxidants. The abundant nutritional content makes oatmeal suitable for consumption during the diet. This one food has several good content, such as calories, carbohydrates, fiber, protein, copper, iron, and vitamins B1 and B5.
Here is a chocolate banana oatmeal recipe that you can try.
The prepared ingredients, among others:
Chia seeds.
Cinnamon powder.
How to Make:
Cook the oatmeal and milk for a few minutes.
Pour the oatmeal into the bowl.
Add the banana, chocolate and chia seeds as a topping. (according to taste).
2. Chia Seed Pudding
The next low-calorie breakfast menu is chia seed pudding. These foods can be consumed along with your favorite fruits. This sweet food contains high nutrients and omega 3s that are able to reduce inflammation, balance hormones, and lose weight.
Here's the chia seed pudding recipe:
5 tbsp chia seeds.
350 ml of UHT milk.
2 mangoes should be sweet (or any fruit according to taste).
For toppings, prepare: honey, mango and strawberries (according to taste).
How to make:
Prepare chia seeds, wash and strain.
Mix chia seeds and milk, mix well. Store in the refrigerator for 1 hour.
Blender mango without water. Set aside.
Take a pudding container or jar, pour the chia dough and then add the mango puree. Pour the chia dough back.
Give mango and strawberry sliced toppings.
Store in the refrigerator.
Add honey before serving (according to taste).
3. Salmon
Salom is having a lot of nutrients. One of them is fish oil which is useful to help insulin in transpiration of glucose from the bloodstream to cells. This process controls the body so as not to be addicted to sugar excessively. If you want to consume as a breakfast menu, fish should be processed by steaming or boiling only.
Here's a recipe for making szechuan seasoning steamed salmon.
2 carrots, peeled.
500 grams (4 pieces) salmon steak.
4 tbsp chopped cilantro leaves.
6 cloves garlic, finely chopped.
2 tbsp chopped ginger.
5 spring onions.
1 red chilli, finely chopped.
1 tbsp sesame oil.
2 tbsp cooking oil.
1 tbsp taoco.
1 tsp granulated sugar.
1 tsp vinegar 5%.
1 tbsp angciu.
How to cook:
Heat the water in the dandang. Split the carrot lengthwise into 4 parts. Place at the base of the heat-resistant plate. Place the fish on the carrot, so that the seasoning liquid does not inundate the fish pieces.
For the sauce, put the garlic, ginger and leeks in a heatproof bowl.
Heat the sesame oil and cooking oil in a small frying pan until it is hot properly.
Then pour into a bowl filled with garlic mixture. Mix all the ingredients for the sauce into it, mix well.
Pour the sauce over the fish pieces until the crumbs cover the surface of the fish.
Put the plate containing fish in the dandang. Steam for about 10 minutes, then remove.
Sprinkle the fish with chopped coriander sauce, serve immediately.
4. Edamame Beans
Edamame is a nut that has a lot of good content for the body. Some of these ingredients, namely energy, protein, fats, carbohydrates, fiber, sugar, calcium (Ca), iron (Fe), potassium (K), sodium (Na). This nut is the only type of vegetable that has 9 types of essential amino acids.
5. Boiled Eggs
The next low-calorie breakfast menu is boiled eggs. Boiled eggs are a good source of fat and protein for the body. The protein content in it will make the stomach feel full longer, so you will not overeat during the day. As a result of the study conducted, breakfast boiled eggs 65 percent effective in losing weight for eight weeks.
Read Also : 3 Egg Recipes Suitable for Diet Breakfast
6. Cereals with Low Fat Milk Mixture
Cereals with low-fat milk mixtures become the next low-calorie breakfast menu. If you are bored with the taste, you can sprinkle fruit on it. Some types of fruit are recommended, namely pieces of bananas, raisins, blueberries, or other fruits that are preferred.
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7. Bananas and Bread
Bananas are one of the recommended fruits to be consumed when on a diet. This fruit can help slow down the emptying of the stomach, so you will feel full longer.
Bananas also contain fiber and calories that are good for the body. If one banana is less, you can add one sheet of whole wheat bread with jam on it.
Read Also : List of Healthy Diet Menus a Week to Lose Weight
Those are some low-calorie breakfast menus while on a diet. In addition to paying attention to the food consumed, you are advised to take supplements or multivitamins to support the health of the body.