Keto Friendly Drinks :WHAT CAN YOU DRINK & WHY?

Keto Friendly Drinks : Identify the types of drinks that should be avoided

So far, the discussion about keto diet focuses much on food.

Then what about drinks?

Let's discuss one by one ...

Cow's milk

If you are just starting keto diet, let alone addressed to overcome obesity problem, milk consumption should be avoided. Milk contains high carbohydrates, especially low-fat milk. In addition, milk contains lactose, which is also converted in the body into blood sugar. Alternatively, you can consume whip cream mixed with water ratio of 1: 1. Of course remain limited to the process of burning fat in the metabolism ketosis runs more optimal.

Almond Milk and Soy Milk

This milk also contains carbohydrates. Moreover, this type of milk is generally added sugar by the manufacturer. Always refer to the composition and nutritional content, especially carbohydrates and sugars for daily net carb intake to wake up between 10-20 grams per day.

Soda water

The best water intake in running ketogenic diet is water, mineral water, or coffee and fresh tea. Soda water, in general, does not contain carbohydrates, consumption alone wisely.

Coffee sachets and instant drinks

Coffee one type of drink suitable for the ketogenic diet. However, at this time a lot of coffee on the market is not real coffee. Most are coffee flavored powders only. Full of chemicals, and already mixed with sugar and milk powder. If anyone offers coffee, just ask what kind of coffee, original coffee or sachets.

Fruit juice

Hmmmm…. perhaps this is somewhat controversial because during this time we consider fruit juice is a healthy drink and can be consumed freely. Did you know that juice is an extract of fruit (let alone sweet fruit), has been broken from the fiber, of course, contains sugar (fructose) in very high levels? As a result in our body will increase blood sugar very quickly.

Well ideally in keto diet, is to drink water. How much do we drink water? Of course in general no less and no more. Adjust also with physical activity. Generally, health recommendations suggest drinking 8 glasses of water (@ 200ml) per day. Always keep the dehydration off when there is a ketogenic diet due to lack of water. Characteristics of dehydration can be seen from the urine or blurred eyes.

Happy to run ketogenic diet and live a healthier happier life.

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