6 Workout Routines to Help You Lose Weight

One effective way to lose weight is to have a workout routine. There are various activities that you can do, so it may be confusing to determine which weight loss workout is the most appropriate, right?
If you want to lose weight, there are several types of weight loss workouts from home you can do it. Let's see each of the following sports explanations.
1. Walk
Walking is great for weight loss and is also very easy to do. You don't need any special equipment or clothing for walking. In addition, you can also walk anywhere and anytime.
You can aim to walk for 30 minutes every day. Research shows that walking for this duration can burn at least 167 calories of the body.
2. Jump rope
Although this exercise looks simple, never doubt the benefits of jumping rope or skipping in your diet program. The reason is, that jumping rope has the effectiveness of burning calories that is more or less the same as jogging.
Jumping rope with low intensity can burn about 281 calories in 30 minutes. But if you do jump rope with high intensity, this exercise can burn up to 421 calories in the same duration.
Don't push too much when you first jump rope.
3. Cycling
Outdoor cycling for 30 minutes can burn about 280-360 calories, while exercise on a stationary bike burns about 250-280 calories of the same duration. You can use the static bike that is usually available in the gym.
Not only does it help reduce weight, but the benefits of cycling also have a good impact on overall health.
Read Also : 10 Most Effective Exercises for Weight Loss at Home
4. Swimming
An article from Harvard Health said, swimming for 30 minutes can burn 298 calories with backstroke swimming, 372 calories with breaststroke swimming, and 409 calories with butterfly swimming.
In addition, the benefits of swimming can also be felt if you have an injury or problem with the joints. This is because this sport is classified as low-impact so it does not cause an excessive impact on the body.
Read Also : 5 Benefits of Swimming, Can Be How to Lose Weight
5. Yoga
Although yoga practice is generally together, these weight loss exercises you can do alone. Especially now that many videos on the internet can teach yoga online, so you don't have to worry if you have to do it without an instructor.
Yoga is proven to reduce weight, although the number of calories burned is not too much. Doing this exercise for 40 minutes can burn about 149 calories.
Read Also : 4 Effective Yoga Movements to Shrink the Stomach
6. Go up and downstairs
Regular exercise does not always require a lot of equipment. You can take advantage of the things that are around, one of which is the stairs. Exercise up and downstairs has been scientifically proven to improve fitness and help you in losing weight.
Every 10 steps up the stairs, you will burn 1 calorie of the body. While for the same amount, you need to go down the stairs as much as 20 steps. Doing this exercise in several repetitions will certainly be able to burn calories in a fairly decent amount.
In addition, research in Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise said that exercise up and downstairs provides health and fitness benefits in a group of elderly women with obesity, such as stable blood pressure and increased bone density.
Losing weight can feel quite heavy. In addition to needing commitment, you also have to be consistent and disciplined when running it. Not only by reducing daily calorie intake, but you have to get used to exercising regularly.
If you just lose weight and reduce your calorie intake without exercising, you may lose not only fat, but muscle mass as well. Research in the journal Obesity Reviews says a quarter of the mass lost when you reduce your daily calorie intake is muscle mass.
Read Also : 5 Calorie Deficit Diet Tips, Healthy Ways to Lose Weight
Muscle is more active than fat in metabolic processes. If muscle mass is reduced a lot, the metabolism will be slower and even inhibit weight loss.