Get to know the Endomorph Diet for Weight Loss
Have you ever been on a healthy diet according to your body shape? In fact, there are several diet methods that adapt to the shape of the body, one of which is the endomorph diet.
What is an endomorph diet?
Quoted from the National Academy of Sports Medicine, a nutritionist named William H. Sheldon introduced the concept of body type or somatotype in the 1940s.
Based on the somatotype concept, human body types consist of three types, namely ectomorphs, mesomorphs, and endomorphs.
- Ectomorph is a tall and slender body with little fat and muscle. People with this body type tend to find it difficult to gain weight.
- Mesomorph is a body that tends to be athletic, solid, and strong. People with this body type can gain and lose weight easily.
- Endomorphs are bodies that have a lot of body fat, but less muscle. People with this body type are easier to gain weight.
A person who has an endomorph body type will generally also have small shoulders, medium or large bones, a rounded body, and short limbs.
Endomorphs also have a pear body shape because fat tends to accumulate more on the hips, thighs, and lower abdomen.
A high percentage of body fat can increase the risk of a number of health problems, such as diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, cancer, and other diseases.
You can apply an endomorph diet accompanied by the implementation of other healthy lifestyles to avoid the risk of the disease.
Guide to undergoing a diet for the body of endomorphs
If you have an endomorph body type, changing your intake and diet is not enough to lose and maintain your ideal weight.
You also need to consider an exercise plan and healthy lifestyle changes in undergoing an endomorph diet to get optimal results.
Food intake and abstinence
People with endomorph bodies tend to have a slower metabolism. As a result, the body does not burn calories quickly and the excess will be stored as fat.
Therefore, a healthy diet for the endomorph body is a higher intake of fats and proteins and lower carbohydrates.
According to the American Council on Exercise, the paleo diet is best suited for endomorphs because each food contains protein and some healthy fats.
The paleo diet is a diet plan based on foods that are similar to the habits of ancient ancestors. This diet is also often called the ancient human diet (caveman diet).
In general, the diet for this endomorph body type includes the consumption of fresh foods, including:
- fruits,
- vegetables,
- nuts or seeds,
- lean meats and eggs,
- fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids, and
- oils from fruit and nuts, such as olive oil and walnut oil.
Meanwhile, some types of foods that you should avoid or limit your consumption include:
- processed food products,
- grains, such as wheat, oats, and barley,
- legumes, such as lentils, peanuts, and peas,
- milk and dairy products,
- sugar and salt, as well as
- potato.
Undergoing the endomorph diet as above aims to maximize the distribution of macronutrients that are close to 30 percent carbohydrates, 35 percent protein, and 35 percent fat.
In addition, you can also adjust the portion of the meal to prevent excess calories.
Eating 200 to 500 calories less than usual can help you lose weight.
Sports recommendations
Endomorphs will usually have difficulty losing body fat just by changing their diet so they need a proper exercise plan.
An exercise program that includes cardio and strength training will help you burn calories, build muscle mass, and increase your metabolism.
Cardio training focuses on activities that require daily movement and burn calories. Do 30 to 60 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise two to three times a week.
Meanwhile, strength or resistance training aims to build and maintain lean muscle mass, while increasing your metabolism.
Read : Best Endomorph Diet Workout
You need to focus on exercises that use large muscle strength, such as the legs, back, and arms. Also, choose compound exercises that work for several muscle groups at the same time.