5 Easy Ways to Remove Belly Fat

 In addition to boosting the body's immune system, many people exercise with the aim of achieving the body shape of their dreams. For example, to realize the coveted sixpack abs.

Getting a flat stomach or even a sixpack belly is indeed a dream of many people. Quoted from Womens Health Magz, here are tips for getting a sixpack body according to personal trainer recommendations:

1. Improve cardio workouts

Aerobic exercise is a great way of burning fat on the body. The more cardio you do, the more belly fat you'll lose.

If you do cardio consistently as part of a fitness routine, and focus on muscle building, then body composition will change, including on the abdominal muscles.

2. Add HIIT sports

HIIT or (High Intensity Interval Training) is a high intensity exercise. HIIT includes the fastest path as a way to gain abdominal muscles. Because those fitness techniques combine cardio and strength training in one quick and effective workout. This results in an increased heart rate.

3. Eat more protein

Protein is an important part of the recovery process in exercise because it helps muscles to rebuild and become stronger.

In fact, it doesn't need much extra protein. According to one study, adding about 15 per cent more protein to a diet could help muscle performance.

4. Choose complex carbohydrates

Choose complex carbohydrates that have a low glycemic index, such as brown rice, wheat, apples, berries, and others.

Some refined carbohydrate foods like white bread and flour can make blood sugar levels rise and fall and feel hungrier. Even these foods make the body feed bnayak food to balance itself.

5. Fill the fibers

Eating diet foods high in fiber is good for overall health. If you want to get a sixpack belly, add soluble fiber or water-soluble fiber every day that can reduce fat in the abdomen.

Studies show that it can experience a 3.7 percent reduction in fat over five years.

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