Try These 4 Exercises To Lose Belly Fat Fast

Many people are looking for this type of exercise to lose weight in 1 week because they feel uncomfortable with abdominal fat that looks excessive.
Unfortunately, there is no instant way to get rid of belly fat. Because we need to lose weight overall.
Belly fat is often difficult to lose because it is different from other types of fat. Belly fat consists of subcutaneous fat and visceral fat.
According to Insider, the belly fat that we can pinch is subcutaneous fat, the fat behind the skin, while visceral fat is the fat that surrounds our internal organs in the abdominal wall.
Excess visceral fat can increase the risk of cardiovascular disease and other health conditions. For this reason, it is important to find ways to get rid of belly fat by implementing an overall healthy lifestyle.
An experiment conducted by the BBC with Trust Me, I'm a Doctor and a group of volunteers found that volunteers were able to reduce their waist circumference by an average of 2.5 cm per 1.8 kg of body weight lost.
Nutritionists say, if we eat 500 calories less than our daily calorie intake, we are likely to lose 0.5 kg per week.
However, the results can be different for each individual. The speed of shrinking a distended stomach can also vary for each individual. So, even if the number of calories cut is the same, each person can produce different weight loss.
Over time, we also need to evaluate our daily calorie needs.
Workout to lose belly fat
Is an exercise goal of losing weight in 1 week feasible or too ambitious?
So far, we have seen that there are many diet and exercise patterns that claim to be a way to reduce belly fat in a matter of days. However, this method is actually unrealistic and unhealthy.
In terms of exercise, abdominal exercises can indeed help tone the stomach, but we still need to lose weight overall to reduce belly fat significantly.
So, it is important to adopt an active lifestyle, eat a healthy and balanced diet, and manage stress.
However, if you are looking for a type of exercise to reduce belly fat, the following types of exercises can be practiced:
1. Cardio Workout

One of the cardio and abs workout for fat loss and burn overall body fat is a cardio exercise for at least 30 minutes. Do this exercise regularly.
Launching WebMD, a number of studies reveal that cardio exercise can help lose belly fat and liver fat.
Some cardio exercises that can be used as sports to reduce belly fat include brisk walking, running, cycling, rowing, swimming, taking fitness classes, and others.
Choose the most preferred cardio activity so that we can be motivated to do it regularly.
Read Also : 7 Cardio Exercises to Lose Weight Fast
2. High-intensity interval training (HIIT)

HIIT is a short workout that provides rest time but involves intense movements.
Research shows that HIIT is one of the sports to reduce belly fat because it can help control weight and improve a person's overall physical condition.
HIIT is less time-consuming but gets the heart pumping and engages muscles throughout the body.
HIIT routines generally include movements such as pushing, pulling, squats, deadlifts and carrying weights.
Typically, a HIIT routine combines 30 seconds of intense activity with 30 seconds of rest right after and before moving on to the next activity.
The HIIT movement can be repeated several times to get the maximum benefit.
Some HIIT exercises that all fitness levels and ages can try to include jumping jacks, burpees, jump squats, and high knees.
Do one activity for 30 seconds, then rest for 30 seconds. Then, continue with the next activity and rest again.
After completing all the movements, we can repeat again from the very beginning.
Read also : 6 Workout Routines to Help You Lose Weight
3. Abdominal exercises

Since belly fat sticks to the waistline and stomach, doing some abdominal exercises can help lose it.
Exercising to lose belly fat usually helps tone and flatten your stomach, while helping to burn fat overall.
Some exercises to lose belly fat that is good for men and women of all ages include the 60-second plank, bicycle crunch, abdominal crunch, and leg lifts.
Read Also : 10 Most Effective Exercises for Weight Loss at Home
4. Strength training

If you are looking for exercise to lose belly fat, don't forget to include weight training.
Weight training is also an important component of burning belly fat. Because muscle burns more calories than fat when the body is at rest, having more muscle can help us burn more fat.
Researchers also found that resistance training, including weight training, can help you lose weight and burn fat while increasing your metabolism.
Some weight training exercises for belly fat that you can incorporate into your routine include bicep curls, lunges, squats, and tricep kickbacks.
We can do these four types of weight training with 12 repetitions and light weights, between 2.5-3.5 kg.
Another option is to use heavy weights, but fewer reps and rest time between sets.
Safe Weight Loss Exercise Guide
If you have an cardio and abs workout for fat loss, we definitely want to put in as much effort as possible in order to get faster results.
However, for safety's sake, it's important not to overtrain yourself. When we exercise too much, the body can produce too much cortisol, the stress hormone associated with belly fat.
So, too much exercise actually makes it more difficult for us to get rid of a distended stomach.
So, exercise in moderate duration and intensity, for example, 30 minutes per day.
Do not forget to also live a healthy lifestyle as a whole so that the results are more optimal. If you want maximum results, consult a doctor.
Before starting an exercise business to shrink a distended stomach, be sure to first understand the causes of the distended stomach that we experience.