Walking Can Lose Weight? Here's The Secret

Do you want to lose weight but don't like strenuous exercise, such as running? Take it easy, in fact, walking also helps lose weight as long as you do it with the right technique.
Can be walking lose weight?
Walking is a good cardio exercise to help you lose weight.
However, this condition will depend on how long the duration and how much intensity you do during the walk.
A study in the Journal of Exercise Nutrition & Biochemistry (2014) conducted tests on obese women who walked.
This test found that women who walked three days per week for 50–70 minutes lost about 2.7 kg over 12 weeks.
Walking may help you lose weight, but it will be more effective by combining exercise and reducing your daily calorie intake.
A 12-week study in the Journal of Nutrition (2017) found that limiting calorie intake along with walking can cause the body to lose more weight than dieting alone.
Obese people who limit their intake to 500–800 calories per day and walk three hours per week can lose about 8.8 kg of body weight.
This result is 8% more than people who reduce calories without exercise who only lose 7 kg of body weight.
Also, Read : How to Lose Weight Fast and Naturally
Tips for walking to lose weight
Walking requires a different technique than normal walking, aka strolling.
Walking is usually done at a normal pace, for example when you are walking in a shopping center or on your way somewhere.
You generally do this walking habit at speeds below 4.8 km / h or 13 minutes to cover a distance of one kilometer.
Meanwhile, to get the benefits of walking for weight loss, you need to increase your speed and intensity during your workout.
This can be achieved through a number of brisk walking techniques, including brisk walking and power walking.
To find out the difference in technique, speed, and the number of calories burned according to body weight, you can refer to the explanation below.
1. Brisk walking
Brisk walking has a higher intensity than regular walking. You need to walk at a speed of 6.4 km per hour or for 11 minutes to cover a kilometer.
Increasing speed during brisk walking also makes your heart rate increase to 60% of the maximum heart rate.
It is in this condition that walking begins to burn calories and lose weight.
According to Harvard Health, brisk walking can burn about 133 calories in a 70 kg person and 159 kg in an 84 kg person for 30 minutes.
2. Power walking
When doing power walking, you need to walk faster at about 5.6 km per hour or walk for 9 minutes to cover a kilometer.
Power walking requires you to walk with longer strides than usual.
To increase the intensity of the exercise, swing your arms to the rhythm of your feet. Make sure you keep your back straight while holding your stomach muscles in as you walk.
This 30-minute walk burns 175 calories in a 70 kg person and 189 calories in an 84 kg person who can lose weight.
To calculate walking speed and calories burned, you can use a sports watch or an app on your phone.
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Other benefits if you regularly exercise on foot
Health experts have agreed that walking is a cardio exercise that greatly benefits the health of the body in general.
If you do it regularly, walking exercise can help overcome various health problems, including:
- obesity,
- high cholesterol,
- high blood sugar and diabetes,
- hormonal imbalance,
- high blood pressure (hypertension),
- PMS symptoms,
- heart disease and coronary artery disease,
- inflammatory joint disease (arthritis),
- weak and lack of energy,
- thyroid gland disorders,
- anxiety and depression disorders, up to
- dementia, Alzheimer's disease, and other cognitive impairments.
Things to pay attention to when walking
Everyone has a different body from each other. You may also have your own goals when you walk to lose weight.
But for maximum results, you should do regular walking or at least 3-4 times a week.
To maximize the benefits you get, be sure to wear comfortable clothes and sports shoes before walking.
Although it helps with weight loss, avoid walking excessively or beyond your physical limits. This can increase the risk of injury from fatigue.
If you are not used to exercising before, don't go to walk long distances or for long durations.
Gradually, you can increase the speed and duration of the exercise until you can walk longer.
It is also important to maintain a balance between exercise and diet. Be sure to adjust your intake and diet to lose weight.
If you have further questions, consult your doctor or sports coach for the best advice and solutions.