These 5 Herbs Are Trusted To Overcome Type 2 Diabetes

These 5 Herbs Are Trusted To Overcome Type 2 Diabetes


There are a number of herbs that are believed to be able to treat type 2 diabetes. This traditional plant is claimed to help stabilize blood sugar levels so as to prevent complications of type 2 diabetes.

Having diabetes mellitus should not necessarily make you despair. Although it can't be cured, you can still control it so that the symptoms of diabetes don't bother you and you can live a normal life. In addition to maintaining a healthy lifestyle, taking medication, and insulin therapy, alternative medicine, such as herbal medicine, is still the choice of most Indonesians to naturally treat diabetes.

So, what? Here's the review, below : 

1. Turmeric

This type of rhizome is highly recommended to treat arthritis and cardiovascular diseases. But thanks to its active compound, curcumin, this plant also helps lower blood sugar levels.

2. Ginger

Another herb that can help people with type 2 diabetes is ginger. This plant not only has anti-inflammatory properties but also prevents diabetes complications.

3. Cinnamon

Cinnamon can help stabilize blood sugar levels by reducing the absorption of glucose after meals. This plant also helps lower cholesterol.

4. Aloe Vera

This plant is not only able to soothe the skin from sun exposure, but also can heal wounds, and protect hair from UV rays, lose weight and treat type 2 diabetes.

5. Blueberry leaves

Eating berries rich in antioxidants not only prevents inflammation and cancer. Another option is to use blueberry leaves in tea form to help prevent type 2 diabetes.

Not all diabetes herbal medicines have the potential to lower the body's blood sugar.

Therefore, natural medicine cannot be used as a substitute or main drug to treat diabetes.

It is best if herbal medicines are taken with medical medicines and have been discussed and approved by doctors.

The herbal remedies above also do not have the same impact on everyone, so you should consult a doctor before taking any herbal medicine.

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