Try These 5 Activities You Can Lose Weight Without Exercise

5 Activities You Can Lose Weight Without Exercise

 Having a body with ideal body weight is certainly desired by everyone.

But maintaining ideal body weight is not an easy thing for everyone to do.

They even try to get the ideal weight by doing sports or a strict diet.

But there are some tips to lose weight without doing exercise.

Here are 5 tips that can be done to lose weight according to Tim Liu, an online fitness and nutrition coach, we need to do daily physical activity to maximize calorie burning:

1. Walk as much as possible

Liu's first recommendation was to walk more.

By walking, we can burn excess calories in the body. The Mayo Clinic reports, that walking briskly for 30 minutes every day can burn about 150 calories.

The faster we move and the more steps we take, the more calories we burn.

The trick, try parking further away if we go somewhere. Then get into the habit of using the stairs instead of the elevator.

2. Increase daily activity

Efforts to lose weight still require physical activity.

Healthy activity lowers the risk of chronic problems such as diabetes, stroke, heart attack, some cancers, and cardiovascular disease.

Physical activity also lowers high blood pressure, arthritis pain, anxiety, depression, osteoporosis risk, and more.

On your days off, do housework like mowing the lawn, or taking your dog for a walk.

3. Pay attention to diet

If your goal is to lose weight without exercising, Liu suggests tracking your food intake.

Many smartphone applications are easily accessible to monitor food intake.

A study conducted by researchers at Duke University showed that overweight individuals who tracked their daily food intake through an app reduced their weight significantly.

4. Drink mineral water

Our bodies need water, without added cholesterol or fat. So drink mineral water in sufficient quantities.

Drinking mineral water can provide a feeling of fullness, and has the potential to prevent us from overeating.

5. Participate in social activities

Many other routines can help you lose weight while having fun, such as hiking and jumping rope.

Liu also advocates participating in charities helping the community, or other social activities.

This method not only maintains body fitness and controls weight but also builds good relationships with others.

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