Safe Diet Ways to Lose Weight, Without Harm to Health


Safe Diet Ways to Lose Weight, Without Harm to Health

Being overweight occurs due to too many calories that enter the body. While the calories expended are not proportional to the intake, so the calories accumulate and turn into fat.

In the end, it is fat that makes your belly bulge and the size of your thighs and arms increase. Being overweight occurs due to too many calories that enter the body. While the calories expended are not proportional to the intake, so the calories accumulate and turn into fat. In the end, it is fat that makes your belly bulge and the size of your thighs and arms increase.

Even though you want to get to the ideal weight, you should choose a diet that does not harm your health. It's not difficult to implement a natural healthy diet because basically everyone – whether overweight or not – must follow this diet to avoid various chronic diseases in the future. Then, how to do a natural healthy diet?

1. Choose the right food, don't skip meals

The first natural healthy diet is to choose the foods you consume every day. Yes, the selection of the right food intake plays an important role in the success of your diet program.

You can do this healthy diet by avoiding fatty foods and high sugar content. Foods with high sugar have a high caloric value so they are bad for the body. In addition, also avoid packaged and fried foods because such foods will only derail your healthy diet.

Conversely, if you want to live a natural healthy diet, multiply the consumption of fruits and vegetables. However, that doesn't mean you should avoid eating rice or eating side dishes. All these foods are still necessary for the body, but you have to manage the portions properly.

2. Adjust the portion according to your needs

After choosing the right foods, then the next healthy diet is to regulate the portions of these foods. You must eat according to the calorie needs per day. Of course, this cannot be calculated arbitrarily.

If you have difficulty you can consult this with a nutritionist. However, for those of you who are overweight, you will usually be allowed to eat 1500 calories of food.

To implement a healthy diet, always remember that in one meal you must balance all the nutrients your body needs. You can adjust it with the principle of balanced nutrition, which is carbohydrates, protein, fat, vitamins, and minerals.

So, in one meal, you must eat staple foods, animal side dishes, vegetable side dishes, one bowl of vegetables, and fruit as a distraction. You can apply the portion according to the following illustration of balanced nutrition.

3. Replace sugar with healthier sweeteners

Many people often underestimate the way this one healthy diet. In fact, a healthy diet by replacing sugar with healthier sweeteners is one of the most effective ways to lose weight.

How often do you add sugar to your food or drink? Many people do not know how much sugar they consume in one day. Remember, sugar and sugary foods are foods that cause excess weight, and of course bad for your blood sugar levels.

From now on, you should replace sugar with sweeteners that have lower calories – but are no less sweet than sugar. Nowadays, there are many artificial sweeteners that have low calories, are safe for blood sugar levels, and do not make the scales of weight soar.

4. Make exercise a necessity

Exercise is the easiest natural healthy diet for you to do. Because a natural healthy diet will not be optimal if you do not do exercise. Therefore, from now on, make exercise a necessity, no longer an obligation.

Because your body needs to remove and burn calories that enter the body. If not with regular exercise, in what other way can the heap of calories – in the form of fat – be eliminated?

Begin to get used to exercising regularly every day, at least 30 minutes. To start, you can take a leisurely walk or jog for 30 minutes in the house area.

5. Implement a healthy lifestyle

After applying various ways of a healthy diet as mentioned above, it would be nice if you also apply a good lifestyle as a whole. What is a good lifestyle?

You can do this in various ways, such as getting enough sleep and avoiding staying up late. Then, avoid consuming excessive alcohol and don't smoke. These things will help your natural healthy diet run easily and successfully.

Choice of healthy diet foods that are good for daily consumption

There are many healthy diet foods that you can consume. However, some of the healthy diet foods below might be your reference.

1. Oatmeal

Oatmeal is one of the most commonly consumed healthy diet foods. Even oatmeal can be regarded as a healthy diet food that must be on your menu every day.

A study conducted for 6 years by researchers from the University of California has proven that eating oatmeal as a healthy diet menu has been shown to help you lose weight.

In the study, it was found that people who always had oatmeal for breakfast had a lower body mass index than people who did not eat breakfast at all and groups of people who had breakfast with other menus. This happens because oatmeal includes foods that contain high fiber and low glycemic index values.

The content of protein, magnesium, phosphorus, and vitamin B1 in oatmeal also functions to produce energy so that it keeps you excited to carry out activities.

Besides being proven to help you lose weight, oatmeal can also help keep cholesterol and blood sugar levels normal. For the breakfast menu of your diet program, oatmeal can be the right choice.

2. Apple

Apples are one of the most popular fruits when people are on a diet. This red or green fruit does contain good nutrients and can help your efforts to lose weight. In one small apple or about 85 grams, there are only 50 calories with 12 grams of carbohydrates.

While the fiber contained in it is a powerful water-soluble fiber that keeps you hungry longer. This means you can use apples as a distraction for healthy diet foods in between meals, to prevent you from consuming excessive amounts of food. Apples also have a low glycemic index level, so they are safe for those of you who have diabetes but want to control their weight.

3. Egg white

Usually, egg whites are consumed by bodybuilders as a healthy diet menu. Unlike egg yolks, egg whites are high in protein but low in fat, making them suitable as food for your diet.

Yes, in 100 grams of egg white alone there is 10.9 grams of protein. Meanwhile, for fat, there is only about 0.17 grams. Because it is low in fat, you don't have to worry about this food will add to the pile of fat in the body.

In addition, this healthy diet food has no glycemic index value, because it does not contain carbohydrates, so diabetics can safely eat egg whites.

Although low in fat, you must consume it in sufficient quantities and as needed. Don't forget to vary egg whites with other healthy diet menus so that your nutritional intake is still fulfilled.

4. Broccoli

You can count on broccoli as one of the healthy diet foods. This is because broccoli is low in calories but rich in vitamins, fiber, and minerals. Imagine, a glass full of broccoli pieces contains only 30 calories. As for the fiber content, broccoli has as much as 5 grams of fiber which can help you feel full all day.

Not only that, in people with diabetes, this type of vegetable can help control blood sugar levels. So, eating broccoli as much as possible will not make your blood sugar rise.

5. Fish

In addition to the various types of foods mentioned above, you can also eat fish as a healthy diet. The good fat content in fish can help you lose weight. Unlike meat, fish has omega-3 fats which are good for brain health. Usually, this fat is in deep-sea fish such as salmon, tuna, and mackerel.

In addition, a study conducted in Sweden revealed that people who eat fish for dinner tend to have an 11% lower intake than people who eat meat.

Consuming adequate and not excessive intake is also a way for diabetics to manage their disease. So that the benefits of this fish are more optimal, you should avoid eating fish by frying. Instead of wanting to lose weight, the cooking process will contribute more fat to your body.

6. Low-calorie snacks

No need to leave the habit of snacking. During a diet, you are not forbidden to eat snacks. Currently, many healthy snacks are sold in the market as healthy diet foods.

However, make sure that the snacks you consume are low in calories and not high in sugar. Therefore, always check the nutritional value labels listed on food packaging before you buy a healthy snack. Pay close attention to the sugar, fat, and calorie content in the snack.

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