Tips to Lose Weight in 30 Days Which is Health Recommended

To stay healthy, you can really lose weight in 30 days. The condition is, you should not neglect the intake of nutrients needed by the body.
The ideal and healthy weight loss is about 2-4 kilograms every month. If more, it could be that you apply the wrong diet pattern which results in drastic weight loss and can cause pain.
People tend to be those who are in the process of losing weight, tend to be interested in unrealistic programs. When people are on a strict diet, and feel as if they have failed, they tend to give up and don't want to look for other resolutions. Weight loss resolution, almost always backfires in case of failure while doing so.
Here is how to lose weight fast in 30 days which is health-recommended:
Eat Slowly
According to Prof Lennert Veerman of The School of Medicine at Griffith University, Queensland chewing food slowly and enjoying the procession of eating can lower the risk of obesity. Eating slowly can give the digestive system the opportunity to send a signal of satiety so that you will stop bribing food to your mouth.
Don't Skip Breakfast
Breakfast is the key to maintaining a stable weight. If you often skip breakfast, you may double it at lunch. Breakfast options are also the key to how to lose weight quickly. Opt for healthy foods such as oatmeal and sweet teas or juices or cornflakes and milk.
Expand Fiber
Fiber provides many benefits for digestion and keeps weight stable. You can meet your fiber intake through vegetables and fruits. To be even more effective, consume raw vegetables such as vegetables or cooked half-cooked. For fruit, papaya, apple, orange or watermelon can be a fruit choice that meets your fiber intake while helping to improve digestion and meet the needs of water intake in the body.
Keeping Food Portions
One of the other ways to lose weight quickly is to keep portions of food. Pay attention to the amount of carbohydrates, proteins and fiber. You can consume more carbohydrates during the day and reduce them at night. Avoid rice for dinner, it is better to choose foods with protein or vegetables and fruits. Do not have dinner above 19.00 WIB.
Regular Exercise
It is impossible for you to lose weight quickly without doing sports. The ideal duration to do sports every day is 60 minutes. You can choose the right time for this physical activity. Some say morning is the best time because the body's metabolism is working optimally and the body has not received much caloric intake so the fat burned is fat that is accumulated in the body.
But there are also those who say night exercise is no less effective. As a cover for all day activities, exercising at night can be the most appropriate stress release. Sleep can also be better if you exercise at night. Whatever your choice of time, make sure you do exercise regularly. If you are bored, you can also vary it with other types of sports. Running is the simplest exercise to shed weight quickly.