5 Calorie Deficit Diet Tips, Healthy Ways to Lose Weight

There are various types of diets to lose weight that can be done at home. One of the most popular diet methods is the calorie deficit diet.
This type of diet is a safe and healthy way of weight loss if done appropriately. Quoted from WebMD, reducing 500 calories per day is a good rule of thumb when dieting calorie deficit.
Before starting a calorie deficit diet, it is good to consult a doctor first. In addition, here are 5 tips for doing a calorie deficit diet safely and healthily.
1. First understand the needs of calories in the body
Calories are units of energy obtained from food and drink. If you consume too few calories, there can be a calorie deficit.
There are three types of calorie burning carried out by the body every day, namely at rest, the thermic effect of food, and the burning of energy from activities carried out. At rest, calorie expenditure is done to keep the body working, such as breathing and blood circulation.
Then, the thermic effect of food involves the expenditure of calories to digest, absorb, and metabolize food. Then, activity energy expenditure is the expenditure of calories that occur during exercise or other physical activity.
If the body does not have enough calories to do all that, there will be a calorie deficit. However, if the calorie deficit diet is done consistently and correctly can lose weight.
2. Use a calorie calculator
A calorie deficit diet by reducing 500 calories per day is enough to lose weight effectively for some people. Even so, if it is the first time to do this diet, it will not significantly affect hunger or energy levels.
In order for this diet to be done properly, one needs to know in advance about the right number of calories that can make the body spend energy smoothly.
Quoted from Healthline, the use of a calorie calculator can support this. The calculator can estimate calorie maintenance based on data on weight, gender, age, height, and physical activity level.
3. Monitor daily calorie maintenance
Aside from calculators, calorie maintenance monitoring can be done by tracking calorie intake and weight for 10 days, such as using a calorie tracking app.
In addition to the application, you can use scales so that the results obtained are more accurate. Keep in mind, weight may experience fluctuations from day to day.
Even so, if the weight remains stable for 10 days, the average amount of calorie intake per day can be a better representation.
The way to calculate the right calories for a calorie deficit diet is to look for the average calorie intake for 10 days and then subtract 500 calories by that figure. Later, the final result becomes a new daily intake target when the diet is calorie deficit.