3 Causes of Obesity Are Often Overlooked, Even Though It Is Deadly!

Obesity is a buildup of abnormal or excess fat in the body. If left alone, this condition can cause a number of serious diseases, such as heart disease, diabetes, and kidney disease.
As for the causes of obesity according to Dr. Esti there are 3 main things. That's as follows.
1. Technology
Often take advantage of free time by playing technological items, such as TVs, gadgets, mobile phones, computers, and others.
And some of the factors (obesity) that cause or aggravate it are because there may be technology, industrialization, globalization. It used to be possible if you have to buy a meal it should be a way first, try first, whether it's cooking first, or maybe if you have to buy, get out of the house first, then walk.
2. Lack of movement or rare exercise
Infrequent movement or exercise can be one of the causes of the spike in obesity cases in many countries.
Researchers from Stanford University School of Medicine examined the results of a national health survey from 1988 to 2010. They found that the increased risk of obesity was more influenced by infrequent movement than unhealthy eating patterns.
This is likely due to the number of calories eaten is not burned completely, so the remaining calories turn into fat and accumulate in the stomach.
3. Unhealthy and excessive diet
In addition, an unhealthy and excessive diet is also a factor that causes obesity.
Unhealthy and excessive diet, lack of consumption of vegetables, fruits.