How To Lose Weight By Drinking Green Tea

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Many scientific studies show that people who drink tea, especially green tea, can lose weight faster than people who do not drink tea. Now you can keep your gym bag and switch to tea. 

Here's how to easily lose weight with Green tea.

The Benefits of Tea to Lose Weight

1. Choose tea based on your personal effectiveness and taste. You should drink tea that tastes good, but you should also know that certain types of tea are considered more effective to lose weight than other types of tea.

  • High effectiveness: green tea, white, or oolong
  • Medium Effectiveness: black tea
  • Low effectiveness: tea without caffeine or herbs
  • Harmful if excessive: sweet tea, diet tea

2. Drink tea daily and make it a habit. Find ways to create healthy tea habits. It will be easier if you make "tea time" as a regular schedule. Drink a cup of tea in the morning and another cup in the afternoon, then tea without caffeine or herbs before bed because it remains effective even without caffeine.
Beware if tea contains senna, aloe vera, agarwood, rhubarb root, buckthorn, or distilled oil.

  • Replace morning coffee with tea.
  • Chill the brewed tea to be enjoyed during hot weather.

3. Do not add anything to your tea. Cream and sugar will damage the benefits of weight loss obtained from tea. You should get used to the tea program without any extra.

4. Drink tea to fight hunger. Tea is a good way to help regulate metabolism. But for the best results, start drinking tea every time you feel like eating something sweet or unhealthy. Usually, a cup of warm tea is enough to calm the stomach and avoid the temptation to eat.

Choosing Tea and Supplies

1. Look for the tea you like. Although many studies focus on green tea, you should find tea (green or other) that you enjoy. Some types of green tea taste very strong and uncomfortable if you are not used. Other types of teas are delicious even for beginner green tea drinkers.

Green and white tea: Tea leaves with light processing, available in many types and flavors.
Black tea: Tea leaves with heavy processing that convert beneficial chemicals (theaflavin and thearubigin) into more complex forms. The benefits remain, but may be less effective. [3]
Oolong: Tea with special processing that can increase metabolism more than green tea.
Tea without caffeine: Same with the type of tea above, but the caffeine has been removed. Caffeine is efficacious for weight loss, but this tea still contains beneficial substances.
Herbal tea: Tea made from plants other than traditional tea leaves. Usually, this tea is less effective, but it is still a good choice to replace high-calorie drinks.

2. be careful with diet tea. Although it tastes almost the same as black tea or herbs, diet tea may contain laxative ingredients, so it should not be consumed in large quantities. Experts warn that drinking too much diet tea can cause vomiting, nausea, prolonged diarrhea, stomach cramps, and even fainting and dehydration.
Beware if tea contains sienna, aloe Vera, agar wood, rhubarb root, buckthorn, or distilled oil.
  • The concept of "diet" tea is a misleading promotion because any natural tea that is not sweetened can help with weight loss. Certain teas do act as laxatives or fat-inhibitors and that's why diet tea is advertised as such. However, laxatives only clear the intestines (you have consumed the calories). Maybe you can reduce the weight of the water at first, but if you drink something, the weight will come back.
  • One cup of diet tea is enough. Serious. You will regret if it exceeds one cup.

3. Read the label on the packaging material. There are many types of tea on the market so you may be confused about which to choose. You can start by reading the list of ingredients on the label. If the tea contains added sugar or sweeteners, return it to the shelf.

  • This does not mean you should avoid green tea with extra flavor. Indeed, some types of tea contain additional sugars, but others do not. And if you can choose the tea that is all natural ingredients, it is better for health and waist circumference.

4. Make easy the process of brewing (and drinking) tea. One of the hassles some people face is that brewing tea is not as easy as it thinks, though it is not a difficult process. Even though you can make a quick cup of tea in the microwave (pour water into a ceramic cup and heat it for two minutes to boil, then put the tea bag), you can make the brewing process easier:

Buy an electric kettle. The electric kettle is available at a house wares store with a wide selection of pricing and is very easy to use. You just have to fill it with water and push the button or lever to heat the water until it boils. You can brew tea for one cup or put several bags at once into the kettle. Also, prepare a thermos to store boiling water. Fill the thermos with water, put green tea, and place it near the kettle or workbench to easily pour into the cup if you want to drink.

  • Buy an iced tea maker. Drinking ice tea on a hot day is certainly very cool. You can still enjoy the same amount of tea if you want to use an iced tea maker. Just like a kettle, refill ice tea with water, add ice (as directed) and tea bags. Turn on the machine and drink fresh ice tea in minutes.
  • Ice tea in the evening to drink the next day. If you do not have time to brew tea during the day, make tea the night before and keep the pot in the fridge. Instead of bringing soda to the office, consider filling a large thermos with iced tea and take it with you wherever you go throughout the day.

Developing Daily Tea Habits

1. Create good tea habits. To enjoy the benefits of tea, you should start drinking it every day, as often as possible, and bargaining without any extra. If it is not easy, tasty, and comfortable, you may be reluctant to continue the practice. How do you drink more tea?

  • An easy prefix is to prepare a "tea supply". If you spend 8 hours a day in the office, you should also keep supplies there, complete with favorite cups (or flasks) and access to a microwave or kettle.
  • For example the English, their tea is a drink to socialize. If brewing a teapot is too much for you, invite other friends. Brew a pot of tea for your coworkers. Invite family/housemates in a tea routine at night. If taken together, maybe you will enjoy it more.

2. Change morning coffee with tea. Start your day with a cup of hot tea. Tea drinkers can also reduce caloric intake, especially if drinking in coffee shops. Most of the drinks in coffee shops contain hundreds of calories, while the tea you choose contains no hidden calories.

  • As mentioned above, it is important for you to drink fresh tea. Supplemental milk will neutralize the ability of tea expels fat (flavored compounds). In addition, research suggests that skimmed milk is the worst choice. [5] Shocking, is not it?
  • This study was conducted on cow's milk. You may try soy milk or almond milk, but remember that the benefits of tea may change.

3. Order an iced tea (fresh) instead of a soda for lunch and dinner. Soft drinks, although diet sodas are known to inhibit weight loss. Sodium in diet soda can hold water in the body, so choose a healthier alternative, that is, iced tea ice. Ice tea is also ideal because if you need caffeine in the afternoon, cold tea (or hot) will give the same effect without sugar in regular soda or sodium in diet soda.

  • One of the reasons that make tea nutritious to lose weight is because you do not need to consume other beverages. The calorie content in tea is very low (if taken in the right way) and prevents consumption of high-calorie drinks or foods. The concept is the same as weight loss with water.

4. Drink a cup of warm tea to satisfy the hunger in the afternoon. Even if the chips or cookies on the supermarket shelf are calling, do not give up; brew up a cup of tea. EGCG content in green tea actually has the effect of lowering glucose levels that can control hunger and resist the desire to eat.

  • In addition, the tea-making ritual (rather than paying at the checkout) is an opportunity to take a break from homework or work, and you can reflect on the good stuff and also take conscious choices to include healthy drinks into the body rather than empty calories from candy or chocolate. Take advantage of this opportunity to chat with anyone who is also in the kitchen or the pantry. The five minutes you take to brew tea is an opportunity to relax, stretch, and socialize.

5. Drink a full glass of tea just before dinner. Drinking a glass of tea before dinner will fill some of your stomachs, meaning you will not eat much (although healthy food remains important). Drinking cold tea is also important. Cold tea should be heated first by the body before going through the metabolic process. For that, the body burns extra calories that add weight loss effects.

6. Drink herbal tea (no caffeine) before bed. To lose weight or not, a cup of warm herbal tea at the end of the day can help relax the body and mind. Because quality sleep can help you lose weight, make sure you sleep well with tea before.

However, do not drink tea right before bed because you have to frequent the bathroom and sleep will be disturbed, especially if you are pregnant or have urinary tract disorders.

7. Make timely arrangements. Some experts believe that certain types of tea should be drunk at certain hours also to get maximum results in weight loss. Although drinking tea is enough, consider drinking different teas a day to find out what kind is best for you.

  • White tea can inhibit the absorption of fat, so drink before lunch.
  • Bilberry tea can balance glucose levels, so very useful at dinner.
  • Purer, green, and oolong tea can launch metabolism, so drink in the morning (and throughout the day).

8. Drink tea on the way. In today's life, much of the time is spent on the journey. Make sure you take time on the journey to relax and have a cup of tea. Prepare a thermos (one or two) to use when needed. Brew tea before leaving or go home to enjoy the journey.

  • Basically, the theme of this article is drinking, drinking and drinking. Your chance to put something other than tea into the stomach does not exist, and you may have been reluctant. The stomach will feel fuller if the consumption of tea increases.

9. Think about caffeine intake. Some types of tea contain caffeine, and although not as much in coffee, caffeine will accumulate in the body if you drink tea 24/7. Although technically caffeine does not cause dehydration, do not exceed 300 mg a day because one cup of tea contains about 50 mg of caffeine.

  • If caffeine produces an uncomfortable reaction, choose an herbal tea that does not contain caffeine. Although this problem is not common, some people are very sensitive to caffeine and caffeine in high levels can cause insomnia, nervousness, and symptoms that continue for hours later.

Maintain Motivation

1. Balance the habit of drinking tea with a healthy diet. In fact, if you can not see the results of a newly tried diet in a short time, you certainly do not want to continue. Although drinking tea is a good choice, the results will be more noticeable if balanced with a healthy diet. The combination of tea and a healthy diet will give you the results you crave.

  • Do you know what foods fit the tea? Whole cereals, fruits, vegetables, and low-fat dairy products. Since you make your own tea, why not cook your own food? If you reduce your consumption of processed foods and cook it yourself, you know exactly what goes into the body.

2. Avoid boredom. Your taste buds may be bored with one type of tea, just like boredom eating the same food every day. To maintain your tea habit, try different types, flavors, and additions. You can store various choices of tea at home or office to choose according to the mood at the time.

  • Add honey or candy bars to the tea. Remember that this will cancel the initial intention to lose weight, but a little honey and sweetener will make the tea taste better. Occasionally it's okay, think of it as a special day.
  • Add a little lean-to-taste cream or lemon juice to make a fresh tea. A slice of lemon can make the tea taste better. In addition, one study found a 70% decreased risk of skin cancer in people who drank black tea with lemon rind.

3. Try a new tea flavor. There are innumerable choices of tea flavor to countless. There are many brands and sources of tea, and chances are you will not be able to taste them all. Tea enthusiasts love learning new varieties, flavors, and styles of tea.
Here are some interesting tea choices to try, all said to lose weight:

  • Flower tea Lawang: helps the process of digestion and relieve abdominal pain
  • Peppermint tea: controlling appetite and speeding digestion
  • Rose tea: prevents constipation and contains lots of vitamins
  • Purer tea: reduces fat cells (suitable to drink in the morning)
  • Chickweed tea: reduces flatulence and efficacious as a mild diuretic (drink a cup only)
  • To stay true to your dietary goals, choose a tea that should be brewed on your own instead of ready-made tea. Some tea and coffee packs contain lots of sugar that will thwart the diet.

4. Enjoy each sip. For most people, dieting is to overcome the tendency of the mind to hunger and restraints. Awareness will help restore eating habits and help you choose food calmly and in control.
Although you do not want to drink tea, make it to yourself to resist the temptation to eat something.

  • Drinking tea has become a tradition and ritual in various parts of the world. Since thousands of years ago, people have been drinking tea for various reasons, one of which is health.
  • You can also try tea while meditating. Tea and meditation? Have you ever said, "I almost feel too relaxed"? You will be able to experience it.

5 Know more about tea. According to a study conducted by Abdul Dulloo of the Institute of Physiology at the University of Fribourg Switzerland, EGCG plant compounds contained in tea, plus caffeine, increase thermo genesis by 84%. Thermo genesis is the process of forming body heat that occurs as a result of normal processes in the digestion, absorption, and metabolism of food. Green tea also increases the neither level of nor epinephrine that prepares the body to burn fat to respond to stress. Knowledge is power and motivation.

  • Although not all researchers believe that drinking green tea (or other tea) is a surefire way to lose weight, all weight loss experts agree that filling the body with water or choosing tea instead of candy or soda can help speed up the digestion process and distract you from unhealthy snacks. Regardless of its usefulness in losing weight, tea is a good choice,
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