According to Science, This is a Quick Way to Lose Weight

According to Science, This is a Quick Way to Lose Weight

Sports and diet is a spell that casts on the ears of everyone who wants to lose weight. However, you must agree on how difficult it is to do both things simultaneously.

Well, of those two ways, which gives the most significant impact in reducing weight? Does exercise four times a week in the gym or keep the diet?

Professor of sports science at the University of Texas, from Philip Stanford, gave a surprising answer. "Research tends to show that losing weight, diet has a greater role than exercise," said Stanford, as quoted from page Science Alert.

Here's the explanation. Exercise requires consistent time and effort. And it took a while to see the results, says Stanford.

Sports, he says, only burn a few calories from what we think so far. If you want to burn more calories, it will take longer.

Alternatively, there are many foods high in sugar, fat, and calories that we can remove from our breakfast, lunch and dinner list. Yes, the diet has a significant effect on the circumference of our stomach - sometimes in a short time.

Diet Results Better Compared Sports

Stanford gives an example. You must walk 56 kilometers (km) to burn 3,500 calories. "That's a lot of roads," he said.

However, if you control what you eat, for example, a pack of Snickers that is 500 calories, it is quicker to give results. "It would be much easier to remove a pack of Snickers instead of having to walk 8 km every day," he explained.

A study of 20 studies - involving more than 3,000 people and published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition in 2014 - suggests that there is a high protein-protein link and eating low-calorie foods with people trying to lose weight. The results of the diet are better when compared to exercise.

In a 2011 study that examined the association between fat stack and activity in children also showed a similar trend, the Ie active movement is probably not the main determinant in terms of unhealthy weight in children.

However, the sport is still a role - later. Other studies have shown, weight loss when someone eats properly and sports regularly.

In addition, exercise also provides other benefits, ranging from helping to improve a positive mood, protecting us from the negative effects of aging, and help us manage symptoms of stress, depression, and anxiety.

So, if you want to lose weight in this New Year, try organizing your diet. And if you want to keep going, move on!
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