How to Choose a Safe Skinny Injection to Lose Weight

How to Choose a Safe Skinny Injection to Lose Weight - Thin and slim body is certainly the dream of many women. A survey from the U.S. National Library of Medicine of the National Institutes of Health in the United States showed that 91 percent of women are dissatisfied with their weight. In Indonesia itself, many are looking for information on how to be thin.
Today, many e-commerce or beauty clinics offer skinny injections. This is one way to get a slim body shape when women do not feel confident in their weight. The liquid can be found at a price of Rp 150 thousand to Rp 500 thousand, but not guaranteed safety. Especially weight loss injections that are self-inflicted because they are purchased online.
Zap Clinic Head of Medical and Training Dara Ayuningtyas reminded to do skinny injections with the help of doctors or medical personnel. "Because the subcutaneous tissue that is targeted by injection contains many blood vessels," Dara said in an official statement. If the wrong injection target, you can feel bruises and pain. However, in the long run, blood vessels can rupture and cause disruption to surrounding tissues. Therefore, thin injections can be fatal if done without the supervision of medical personnel.
If you want to lose weight in a safe way, there are injections with drugs that have received a certificate from BPOM (Food and Drug Supervisory Agency). Safe injections can help destroy excess fat tissue in the upper arm, abdomen or upper thigh area, but ensure that the fluid given is not excessive.
Beauty clinics that have safe skinny injections usually follow international standards. Previously, you should make sure that the syringe used is in a sterile state, so as not to cause infection or tissue necrosis.
The procedure is also not easy, because there must be a patient consultation session with a doctor, the patient is measured his blood pressure, and the doctor makes sure the area that wants to reduce fat does not have irritation or lumps. In one treatment, the circumference of the area can usually be reduced from 1-4 centimeters. The crushed fatty fluid will come out through urine or sweat.
How much it cost and from where can I buy it pls?
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