Diet Fast or Healthy Diet?

If you want to lose weight, half to one kilogram per week is the healthy weight that is recommended to be eliminated.

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A sudden change in meals plan to lose weight quickly can risk you is having health problems. This unhealthy effort also does not allow a sustainable lifestyle change that aims to maintain the stability of the ideal body weight in the long run.

Half to one kilogram per week is the recommended amount of weight loss. Half a kilogram of fat contains about 3,500 calories. So to reduce half a kilogram in one week, You need to burn at least 3,500 calories a week or 500 calories per day.

Fast Diet Risk

Fast weight loss tends not to last long. In addition, people who lose weight quickly will be at risk of experiencing health problems:
  • The body is weak and easily tired
  • Lack of nutrition
  • Fast weight rises again
  • Damage to muscle tissue
  • Other body disorders
  • The Serious illness that might occur :
- Gallstones
- Dehydration
- Electrolyte imbalance in the body

Common Mistakes Done When Dieting

The following are some common habits in a fast diet that can really harm your health:

  • Skip the main food.

Research shows that people who regularly eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner can better maintain ideal body weight. Breakfast that contains enough fiber and protein can keep you feeling full until lunchtime arrives. But skipping the main food makes you tend to consume lots of snacks on the sidelines of the main meal.

  • Underestimate snacks.

Have you ever noticed how many calories contained in two pieces of fried food, a bag of potato chips, and a piece of cake? The total amount can exceed the calories you should consume. Checking nutrition labels on food packaging can help you estimate the number of calories consumed.

  • Weighing the body every day.

If your body weight falls in a matter of days, then most likely the drop is water content in the body. But not fat. Instead of every day measuring weight, try to focus more on long-term goals such as the target of removing half a kilogram within 1-2 weeks.

  • Setting unrealistic targets.

Besides frustrating because desires are not achieved, targeting to lose weight up to 5 kilograms a week can make you intend to do everything, including unhealthy ways to achieve it. Stress because unattainable targets can actually trigger you to eat more.

How to Healthy Diet

Basically, a healthy diet is about managing a meal plan; including choosing the type of food that should be consumed. A healthy diet is when all the nutrients your body needs can be met.

Some simple steps that can be a guide to a healthy diet:

  • Determine healthy targets every week.

Small and simple targets are important as a step towards sustainable lifestyle changes. In addition, setting realistic targets regularly and successfully fulfilling them will make you feel positive. For example, if you like eating fried food every day, target not to consume it within a week. Instead, eat healthy interrupts like dried fruit.

  • Actively moving.

As a first step, you don't need to exercise regularly to stay in shape. Do something you like so that the activity can be done repeatedly, like playing futsal or cycling with family. Scheduling your body in the morning before starting your activities is the best way for those of you who find it difficult to spend time too. Try to exercise at least 2-3 hours per week.

  • Choose foods that are processed in a certain way.

Better to eat foods that are processed by steaming or boiling than those fried in hot oil. Foods that are steamed or boiled in a not too long time have more complete nutritional content than fried foods. Meanwhile, fried foods contain high calories and saturated fats.

  • Reset your plate content.

Fill a third of the food on a plate with lean meat, fish, or poultry meat. Try to increase the portion of fruits, vegetables, and nuts. Choose a type of healthy carbohydrate sources such as brown rice or potatoes. Eat fruits that are not too sweet like apples, tomatoes, and avocados.

  • Start and continue good habits.

The following simple habits can bring great benefits if done consistently and in the long run:
  1. Eating mineral water fairly and regularly.
  2. Don't miss the main food.
  3. Increase consumption of vegetables so you feel full longer.
  4. Avoid buying or storing high-calorie snacks at home.
  5. Discipline your sports time.
  6. Eat calmly while sitting at the dinner table and not while working.
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